We recycled the trash NFT Rug Pulls + Web3 Memes = NFTs that are GOOD for Mother Earth...

Not Affiliated with Tai Lopez' Original Garage. Not Affiliated with Zagabond. Not Affiliated with Kevin of Pixelmon & Frosties NFT.


Original Garbage... What?

Original Garbage is a collection of 10K unique NFTs completely generated and randomized from 99 base characters and over 600 traits which make every single NFT unique and identifiable. Original Garbage lives on the Ethereum blockchain on a ERC-721A smart contract.

Featuring the 2022 memes in the NFT space plus rug pull projects that are digital trash in the Ethereum blockchain.

The OGEN Club Membership

A social club that cares for the environment and nature both in the Metaverse and IRL

For Your Kids, Nephews, and Nieces

Free membership to Kids for Saving Earth with kits to be shipped to their doors!

Advance Access to Full Project Roadmap

See below.

The Story

The Earth has spoken: it’s sick and tired of taking our crap. We leech as much goodness from the environment and give back our filth in return. Talk about lack of gratitude. 

And you don’t have to be a livid environmental activist or a crazy scientist to notice this. Just take two seconds off social media and look around. 

The message is clear but most of us ignore it, not realizing that our lack of care and refusal to make positive changes may very well be the cause of our own extinction.  

The problem gets worse as we allow garbage into our digital space, unknowingly wasting electricity and emitting carbon that massively torments the environment. Scam NFTs are particularly nasty because not only do they hurt the Earth, but they also hurt your wallet. 

Imagine paying your hard-earned dollars on worthless NFT projects then the founder pull the rug and leave you behind. Sadly, many people no longer need to imagine the teeth-grinding pain. 

But as they say, a single ray of hope is enough to brighten up the world. The Original Garbage Environment and Nature Club (or OGEN Club for short) shines over the dream of a better future for ourselves and the ones after us. 

It does this by educating and empowering the young generation to protect the Earth's environment together with Kids for Saving Earth, a non-profit organization teaching kids to care for the environment.

This project provides highly valuable and engaging materials, strategies, and content centered around helping them help the world that we live in. Day after day, Kids for Saving Earth is healing the planet, which is proof that one is never too young to change the world.

Roadmap 1.0

Long-Term Benefit: Access to Learnedt

Learnedt what? [click here for more info]

Watch A Movie with Another Member (Not Tai)

Connect with like-minded people. Our community is awesome. Meet IRL and maybe watch a movie with another member, play basketball with a new friend, etc.

Local OGEN Clubs with Assistance from Original Garbage

Start a local OGEN Club in your area, start a clean-up drive, or build something, and our community will help you with your environmental projects.

IRL Package Shipped to your Door!

Free package from our partners for all OGEN Club members! Includes DVD, newsletters, (maybe) merch, and more!

Roadmap 2.0 + Future Airdrops

This is only the beginning. More perks for all OGEN Club members.

Original Garbage NFTs feature:


Famous 2022 Memes

From Kevin of Pixelmon to Tai's garage sale to the latest Zaga (err... saga) of Phunks, Zunks, and Tendies, there are too many surprises in each token mise-en-scene...


Rug Pull Hall of Fame Shame

Our friends from CryptoShields and Rug Pull Finder caught the serial rug pull scams and we featured them in these tokens including: 3D Punks, Ape Walkers, Alpha Doodle Club, Ape and the Dragon, Apemfers, Apezuki, Azuki Ape, Azuki Doodle, Bored Hoodie Ape Club, BossApes, Bunny Doodles, Catzuki, Coffee Club, Cyber Apez, Doodle Monkey, Doodlezuki, Hero Apes, KaraPunks, Kidoodles, Lazy Lion Ape Club, Lazy Mutant Lion, MonkPunks, Monkzuki, Mutant Azuki, Mutant Invisible Frens, Orangutan Ape Yacht Club, PikaPunks, Social Cool Cats, TurnApe, WW3 Apes, ZukiPunks, and more...


Shiller Stickers

A lot of NFT projects are good so we're shilling them via "Shiller Stickers" and you'll find them within each NFT! Support the good guys and report the bad guys...


IRL + Digital Pseudo-Realistic Art

Each NFT is a pseudo-realistic art featuring real hands, real trash bags, etc. plus illustrated and digital art... all in one NFT art.


Collect and Trade

These NFTs are 1080x1080 crisp images ready for you to collect and hold or trade with your friends. Or list on secondary marketplaces like OpenSea and LooksRare.


We've got A's for your Q's

What is Original Garbage?

Original Garbage is a meme + utility NFT that serves as your membership to a new and exclusive community called the "Original Garbage Environment & Nature Club" or OGEN Club / OG Club which aims to help the environment and protect the Earth plus a social club where you can meet new friends and get access to exclusive events and benefits that only come with picking up an Original Garbage NFT.

What Blockchain does the Original Garbage project operate on?

Original Garbage is ERC-721A on the Ethereum Blockchain. Our smart contract is VERIFIED and will be available to view on Etherscan.

How many Original Garbage NFTs will there be in total, how many can I mint, and what is the mint price?

Only 10,000 NFTs will be minted. One of our goals is to reach as many people as possible for environmental awareness and we wanted Original Garbage to be accessible to all so the price is only 0.008 ETH. Each wallet can only mint a maximum of 10 Original Garbage NFTs.

Is there an Allow List?

Yes. Holders of the following projects are automatically added to the Allow List: Meta Angels, Pirates of the Metaverse, 0xApes Trilogy, Crypto Ninja Partners, 8Sian NFT, Bad Alien Social Club, Okay Bears Yacht Club, Red Army Apes,  0xMAYC, Cool Cookies, AES Tribe, AIPES NFT, Frenly Flyz, Gratitude NFT, Punk Ape Pixel Club, and Deca Labs friends and partners.

When can I mint an Original Garbage NFT?

Wait for private announcements on Discord. Follow us on Twitter for public updates.

Does my location matter?

Anyone can be a member. Our goal is to build an OGEN Club on every part of the planet.  

Where can I mint an Original Garbage NFT?

Here on our website, you will be able to mint an Original Garbage NFT. Once the mint sale has ended, you can only buy one through secondary marketplaces like OpenSea & LooksRare.  

Where can I view my NFTs?

You can view them in your Metamask wallet or on your OpenSea account.  

Our Team








Deca Labs

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