"The Absolute Fastest Way To $5,000 A Month On The Internet (Case Study Proof Included Below)..."

Your Own Blog Content Distribution Network Complete With The Monthly Blog Posts, Sales Letter, Membership Site & Training For Your Members!

The Secrets To Extreme Monthly Income Revealed...

How To Make A Fortune With Blog Content Without Writing A Single Word And Even If You Know Nothing About Blogs Or Web Content Traffic!...

Advance Notice: Please realize, this is one of the most limited offers that we have ever put together.  There are only 200 membership spots ever being offered and we're doing a pre-launch to our own customers first.  That means that VERY few, if any memberships will even be available to the general public.  If this page is still active, we urge you to read it now and join us in the members area as fast as possible.

RE: Your Private Invitation to PRO Membership
From: The Nitro Blogger Team
Friday, 8:43 AM

Dear Web Content Traffic Entrepreneur,

This letter is going to reveal the truth about the wave of new-age computing on the Internet and what you've probably learned to call "Web Content Traffic."

The fact is, Web Content Traffic is everywhere.

We all take part in the use and application of Web Content media just by using sites like Pinterest.com, Twitter.com, Instragram.com, FaceBook.com, and YouTube.com.

Other properties that you're probably aware of are sites such as Reddit.com, Digg.com, and Blogger.com.

For many of you, these properties may trigger a bit of "apprehension" because you may not fully understand how to use them or may see them as complicated.

Well, you don't have to worry about all of that because we're going to show you how to make money from Web Content Traffic even if you don't currently use any of the services above AND never created an account in the first place.

Believe me, you're going to want to stick around for the ride but first, it's time that we break the truth about Web Content Traffic and what *really* drives the entire market...

Web Content Traffic Still Relies On The "Ol' Skool Baby..."
Content And Lots Of It!

As we mentioned above, there are a ton of Web Content Traffic or Social Media sites out there that are the newest, coolest thing.

The truth of the matter is that all of these sites rely 100% on content.

Without content these sites would be nothing because content is the backbone of these services and what fuels their existence.

You better believe that there wouldn't be a YouTube if people didn't have content they wanted to share via video.

You'd also see Blogger.com fail miserably if they didn't have millions of bloggers willing to share their knowledge, options, and expertise via their blogs.

So really you could just say that Web Content Traffic is nothing more than creating lots of content, which we've been working with for ages on the Internet with a slight social twist that allows people to communicate and rate the content.

We're sure that you'll agree with that right?

By now, you're probably starting to wonder, "Okay guys, you've made the connection to what drives Web Content Traffic sites, but what does that have to do with me?" and that's a good question, which we'd be happy to answer...

Content Can Make You Rich Or Break Your Chips!

It goes without saying that content is the fuel to the fire that is your Internet business and can make you a fortune if used properly.

But what is the one thing that we all hate doing and that's preventing us from making money on the Internet or with Web Content Traffic more specifically?

Creating content!

As you know, writing content can be an extremely grueling task if you aren't a trained or experienced writer.

Some people that put out courses telling you to "just create some content" may be great writers themselves and just not realize that writing is hard for regular Joes & Janes like me, or maybe you.

If you've ever tried to sit down and write a blog post, you know that you can literally spend hours researching, writing, and re-writing on a blog post and end up with something you're still not happy with!

The next solution is to hire writers which costs a fortune but who wants to do that? We know we sure don't.

What we're about to reveal to you is...

The "Golden Ticket" To Making A Fortune On The Internet...

Now obviously none of us want to slave over a keyboard night after night ripping our hair out trying to write content, right?

The prospect of paying someone a fortune to write content for you probably doesn't sound like something you're interested in either, right?

No one wants either of these things as we're sure you'll agree.

But what if you could have all the content that you ever wanted to dominate the new age of Web Content Traffic marketing without writing?

What if you didn't have to pay a fortune to outsourced writers for sub-par quality blog posts that do nothing more than make you look bad?

In the past, a solution like this would have been a figment of our imagination but now it's not only a possibility but also a reality.

But that's just the beginning...

We're going to be...

Shifting Your Paradigm For Major Profits...

You're probably wondering what that is.

Well, a paradigm shift is simply looking at something from a completely different angle or perspective then you normally would.

Now, we previously said that you could get all of the blog content you needed to make big money using Web Content Traffic, blogs and all the social media sites we've talked about.

But what if you though one level higher?

What if instead of getting this content and using it as an affiliate marketer or product creator yourself, you actually sold this content to others?

What if people came to you and paid you a high monthly premium so that THEY could get all of the content that they ever needed?

We've established that we all dread the thought of writing content so do you think that you could make some money selling a "no writing" solution to other people?

You bet!

In fact, when you shift your thinking and analyze this from this new level, you might be thinking that this means...

The Gold Rush Is On!

You really can be a content provider to all of the affiliate marketers, Internet marketers, and product creation addicts out there.

You don't need to be some seasoned writer, some expert in the field and you don't even need to know anything about Web Content Traffic.

Sounds a little crazy? Believe me, it is.

NitroBlogger.com is going to give you all of the tools that you need to successfully run your own blog content distribution business hands-free.

There has never been an opportunity like this because frankly, anyone creating tons of content sells it to publishers directly, but we had a vision...

We wanted to create something that was not only cutting edge and hot on the stuff that's important in today's market but also something that presented an incredible opportunity for you.

You could very easily compare this opportunity to the opportunity that arose from the California gold rush of the mid 1800s.

No, not the guys selling everything they own in hope of finding and claiming gold while avoiding death in the progress...

We're talking about the opportunity that the merchants selling supplies had! The guys selling gold pans, food supplies, shovels, and clothes.

You don't have to dig for gold or sell everything you own trying while facing business death within a year or so. Sell the shovels!

And by shovels, we're referring to...

Your Own Robust & Training Packed Blog Content Distribution Network That Operates Completely Hands Free... NitroBlogger.com!

Here's what you get as a NitroBlogger.com member...

1) 250 Pieces Of Blog Content Per Month - This content is written by top-notch writers who not only have incredible writing skills, but also a knowledge of Web Content Traffic and blogging so their writing is specifically crafted for these purposes!

2) 100 "Copy 'N Paste" Blog Comments - These are comments that your users can use to post on other related blogs with links back to their site for instant backlinks. This means more traffic, higher search engine rankings, and more sales for your customers!

3) Training With Updates For Your Members - We are also going to be delivering monthly content that you can add to your members' area to train your members on how to use their monthly blog content. You can drop in your name to the training so they think you wrote it and get them active with the blog content which means members stay members longer and make you more money!

4) A Pro Written Sales Letter & Web Design - You're going to get a sales letter written by our in-house copywriter. This is the guy that writes the copy for all of OUR sites and he's writing the copy for yours too! You are also going to be getting a beautifully designed website that is ready for your name and order button.

5) A Complete Members Area - We're not talking about a flimsy download page but a full-blown members area that your users can get active in while actually using your product! This inclusion is unheard of in the world of Internet business!

6) We Even Write Your Update Notification eMail! - You won't even have to write a message to notify your customers because we write a compelling one for you!

This is just the brief version of what you get, so let us go into detail on each item...

250 Blog Posts Specifically Written For Blogging

These pieces of blog content are written by our in house team of seasoned writers. These aren't college students trying to just make some extra money so they can party this weekend but writers who actually do this for a living.

These blog posts are packed with keywords related to the niche in normal, natural fashion which means higher search engine rankings, more traffic and happier readers.

Each month, you get 250 blog posts to deliver to your customers and the best part is that they are spread across 10 different niches!

So the blog content that you're delivering is going to give your customers the ability to effortlessly and automatically enter 10 niche marketers every single month!

But it gets better...

100 "Copy & Paste" Blog Comments For Instant Back Links!

We all know that blogging doesn't matter much if you don't have people linking back to your website and your content.

Links back to your site not only get people clicking over to your site to read your content and take actions that make you cash, they also increase your search engine rankings.

We all know that increased search engine rankings result in tons more free traffic that you can then convert into profit!

You get 100 comments each month that you can deliver to your customers so that they can post them on relevent blogs and get instant back links without even having to write the comments themselves!

Best of all, we've spread all 100 across the 10 niches we cover for you each month so you get 10 comments for each of your niches!

Now your customers don’t have to write content and they also don't even have to try to get a goldmine of back links to their websites!

But it gets even better...

We Write Training In YOUR Name, For YOUR Members!

That's right, if getting all of the content that you need to make a fortune blogging on the Internet wasn't enough along with all of the comments for tons of back links, we're also going to write training materials for you to deliver to your customers!

You simply grab the content that we've created for you that month; slap your name on it and your members will love you for it!

We want you to really think about this one inclusion because it really means a lot when it comes to making money with your site. Why, you might ask?

Simple, because a lot of people signup for sites with great intentions of following through but when they actually see that there is no "how to" or actual guidance, they get overwhelmed and give up.

You are not going to have that problem because you're going to be training them with the materials we write for you which means customers will be happy, stay members longer and ultimately make you more money.

Here's just some of what you can expect in the way of members training...

  • Fast Track Backlinks
  • Getting Your Own Blog For Free
  • Marketing Your Business With Content
  • Writing & Re-Writing Content For Your Blog
  • Creating Your Own Comments

These are just a couple of the things we have in store for you. You will be able to constantly educate your customers and keep them actively using your product with the pre-written training we create for you that YOU get to take credit for :)

YES, it STILL get's even better!...

A Profit Wrenching Sales Letter & Website Included!

Not only are we giving you the greatest product that you could possibly sell online along with the training to help your customers use it, we are also going to give you the tools to sell it!

You're going to get a sales letter that is written by our in-house, full-time copywriter without paying a dime. This is copy that converts and absolutely will turn your traffic into cash.

As you know, having a good copywriter create copy for a product starts at a minimum of $2,000 and can go as high as $10,000 or more. You don't have to worry about that expense because we locked down our copywriter and made him write your copy!

If that wasn't enough, you're also going to get that sales letter set in a beautifully designed website design that instills trust in your potential customers.

We all know that if you don't have trust with your potential customers than you aren't going to HAVE any customers, which is why we had our personal designer create an extremely professional and energetic design for you.

We even go through and do all the cool things like testimonial boxes, bullet images, guarantee images and even order buttons.

This sales letter and website package is 100% complete and needs nothing more than your name and your payment link! If you were to source a sales package of this high of quality you would pay no less than $5,000 on the low end.

Believe it or not, your Nitro Blogger membership gets even BETTER!...

Your Own Robust Members Area That Will Excite Your Customers! (With Monthly Updates For Life)

Not only are we giving you the greatest product that you could possibly sell online along with the training to help your customers use it, we are also going to give you the tools to sell it!

You're going to get a sales letter that is written by our in-house, full-time copywriter without paying a dime. This is copy that converts and absolutely will turn your traffic into cash.

As you know, having a good copywriter create copy for a product starts at a minimum of $2,000 and can go as high as $10,000 or more. You don't have to worry about that expense because we locked down our copywriter and made him write your copy!

If that wasn't enough, you're also going to get that sales letter set in a beautifully designed website design that instills trust in your potential customers.

We all know that if you don't have trust with your potential customers than you aren't going to HAVE any customers, which is why we had our personal designer create an extremely professional and energetic design for you.

We even go through and do all the cool things like testimonial boxes, bullet images, guarantee images and even order buttons.

This sales letter and website package is 100% complete and needs nothing more than your name and your payment link! If you were to source a sales package of this high of quality you would pay no less than $5,000 on the low end.

Believe it or not, your Nitro Blogger membership gets even BETTER!...

We'll Even Write The Customer Notification Email You Send To Your Members Each Month!

You won't even have to write an e-mail to let your customers know that their new blog content are available. All you have to do is plug in the one we write for you, drop in your name and click send.

The main reason we wanted to emphasize this e-mail separately wasn't to point out that we give you the e-mail per say but rather to point out that we are going to do *everything* for you that we can.

You are not going to have to slave over your new website for hours a week just to make sure that it's well maintained.

We are going to provide you with the product, the training for your customers, the member’s area for your customers and even continual updates for life for your members.

We're talking a true Plug 'N Play business here. At first, it may take you 5 minutes or so to update your site each month :)

Once you get used to it, you're going to be able to upload your updated files in about 60 seconds a month.

This isn't some hyped up promise either. We are taking the reigns and covering every base we can for you so that you can make money online.

The truth is that this is...

A Complete Business That Runs In Mere Minutes A Month, Even For The Busy Professional...

It doesn't matter if you're extremely busy and don’t think that you have time to run an online business, NitroBloger.com makes owning a successful business easy!

You don't have to slave away in the evenings or give up your weekends or social life. You simply use the plug in tools we give you to run your own successful online business in mere minutes a month.

If you're reading this, you have obviously been looking for a way to either make some extra income or supplement the income that you're currently making with the hope of maybe quitting your job one day.

NitroBlogger.com will help you with just that!

You can make good money on the Internet without having to quit your day job or lose the family live that you enjoy.

Maybe you're thinking...

"But Can Someone With Little Or No Experience Run Their Own Blog Content Distribution Network?"

You bet you can!

There is no underlying technological stuff that you need to know to make this business work like many offers you see out there.

Everything you need to succeed is absolutely provided to you. You don't have to write a sales letter, create a web page, create the product or even train your customers to use your product.

We're sure that you'll agree that breaks down all of the normal barriers that people with no experience have.

Look, we know there are a ton of programs, courses and eBooks out there that promise something is easy when it really is not. You usually buy into the program only to find out that you need to be a computer whiz just to make the program work.

NitroBlogger.com is completely different because we took YOUR place before we ever started creating this system.

We realized that you don't want to spend a fortune on a great copywriter or a great web designer for your website so we did it for you.

We realized that you needed a great product that you could sell monthly for lifetime customer profits but didn't want to commit to that level of excruciating work so we did it for you and will deliver your new content every month.

We realized that you needed a robust members area but probably didn't know how to create one or have the desire to continually maintain one so we created one for you and will deliver new members area updates every month.

We knew that you needed training for your customers to give them extra value, make them happy and eliminate customer support requests that you don't have time for so we are giving you that with continual updates.

We realized that you need everything in true "upload and forget it" fashion so we made sure that all you have to do is upload the files we send you each month and send out the pre-written customer notification e-mail. It really doesn't get any easier than that does it?

NitroBlogger.com Delivers!

Every month is going to feel like Christmas for not only you but also for your happy members when they get all their goodies.

Here's a brief recap of what you get with continual updates each and every month...

  • 250 "Author Grade" Blog Posts!
  • 100 "Instant Back Link" Blog Comments!
  • Your Own Hot Sales Letter For Maximum Conversion!
  • Your Own Beautiful Site Design For High Levels Of Customer Trust!
  • Continual Training For Your Members To Keep Them Members For Life!
  • A Complete Members Area With Monthly Updates, No Work Required!
  • NitroBlogger.com's Patented "Upload & Go" Monthly Operation Method!

This is just some of what you get as a member. We love over delivering and giving extra value as you're probably aware with all of our other offerings.

We absolutely know that there isn't a more complete, turnkey business on the Internet when it comes to making real money online.

There's something that we built into this model that gives you an even bigger chance at succeeding on the Internet...

The Magic Of Recurring Income Is Automatically At Work FOR You Without Any Work FROM You!

You've probably seen tons of resale rights opportunities on the Internet but we can guarantee that you've never seen one like this.

NitroBlogger.com gives you an incredible opportunity to make *recurring* income from your online business using a product you don't even have to create or maintain!

That means that once you get a customer into your membership, you will get paid on that customer for as long as they stay a member.

As you've probably noticed in the product that we're offering, people stay members and they do so for a very long time. The fact that we also provide training to your customers plays a huge part in their "sticking" with the membership.

We could have provided nothing but the blog content and this would have been one heck of an offer but we took it so far beyond that so that you will have the best chance at creating major success.

You're success and ability to collect those monthly membership fees are the main goals that we set out to achieve when we created this system.

You'll be happy to know that the magic of *recurring* income is built into your NitroBlogger.com membership with a high converting sales letter and all of the valuable tools we provide for your members to KEEP them members.

By now you're certainly asking yourself...

"Okay, So How Much Is This All Going To Cost Me?"

That's a fair question and we know that you're going to be ecstatic with joy when you see how we're basically giving this stuff away.

At first, we thought the best way to offer this would be to sell people the blog content and comments on an individual pricing basis with discounts for buying in higher volumes.

We thought about naming the site "$1 Content Wholesaler" or something similar where people could come and buy blog content for $1 each or save $50 by purchasing all 250 blog posts available that month making all 250 blog posts only $200.

But we wanted to make this opportunity cheap and easy for even the average person. I've accomplished the easy part with the system you've seen but we still needed to do something about the several hundred-dollar price.

So here's what I've decided to do...

By signing up right now, you are going to get in the door for $47 a month.

That gets you all 250 pieces of blog content spread across 10 niches every single month.

You ALSO get all of the extras such as the 100 comments, the sales letter, the website design, the members area, the members training materials you get to claim as your own and so much more.

By now, you're surely asking...

Why Would You Offer NitroBlogger.com Memberships At Such A Low Price?

Well, here's the honest truth...

Running this site is very expensive. Don't think working with a team of almost a dozen writers to churn out 250 high-quality pieces of blog content AND 100 high-quality comments every month is a cheap task, it isn't.

Not to mention all the extras I've put together with the updated members training for your customers as well as your updated members' area and notification e-mails that you'll be getting every month as well.

For me, this is one of the most money hungry businesses I've ever run and it requires that fuel (cash) to run every single month.

We want (and need) to fill up the membership cap as soon as possible, which is why I've decided to offer it at the shamefully low price of $47.

But don't think that the price will never increase. Believe me, if we see that the membership base has covered the costs each month, we certainly will consider raising the price and we know that we'll have no problem selling those higher-priced memberships so don't wait to signup.

Also don't think that everyone and their dog is going to be able to get in and get this offer because the truth is, they won't...

"Show Me The Cash!"

NitroBlogger.com Is Strictly Limited To 200 Members, Ever...

The best way for us to describe the urgency is to sell just ONE of the success stories from the last content based site we launched...

500 Members In 9 Days!

Man, what can I say? You changed my life overnight, and I am so thankful. Thank You!

I used your article membership site product to launch a site at (URL withheld for resellers privacy) - and went from 2 paid members to over 500 in less than 9 days!

Because of the success, we are going to launch another article site next month!

Not to mention back end sales inside the members area where I offer quality related products! :-)

I just wanted you to know that this took me from about 5K a month in product sales/affiliate income - to another 5K+ of RESIDUAL income, and I am forever grateful.

So from me to you- thanks Jeremy, and please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you. You're "good people", and those are the ones that last in my book.

Take care, and God Bless.

Ken Reno

Recurring Income Monthly!

Nitro Blogger has allowed me to finally do something that I've always dreamed of...

Create recurring income on the Internet!

I've tried for years to make money but Nitro Blogger has finally helped me accomplish that goal on a monthly basis.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this awesome opportunity.

Anne West
Chicago, IL

We sure love hearing success stories like that and we get them all the time. They are the reason that we enjoy what we do for a living so much.

Making money and changing lives, what could be more fulfilling than that!

Let's Get You Started
WITHOUT The $10,000+ A Month Bill!
Your Cost = Only $47 Each Month

You read that right!

We're going to personally be paying the $5,000+ product development cost out of our own pocket every month and then handing those over to you for the ridiculously low price of just $47 per month

And the best part is that if you're one of the first 49 members to NitroBlogger.com you are also going to get...

Fast Action Bonus: Archive Access!

To make taking action even easier for you AND more profitable, we're going to do something that will make this offer an even better value!

By being one of the first people to take action and become a NitroBlogger.com charter member, we're going to GIVE you access to ALL of the past months' blog content packages!!

You'll be getting access to every NitroBlogger.com blog post we have ever created so you will be able to offer this additional content to your customers right when you get started!

You will have tons of great blog posts you can start sharing and reselling as your own in the next 5 minutes!

You're going to be sorely disappointed if you miss out on this bonus package so please make sure that you get in on it while you have the chance.

We know that you're probably going to enjoy every second you spend in the members area when you see the sheer quantity of stuff that you have available to download once you enter.

Not to mention the extremely high quality of everything that you are going to get your hands on makes it easy to sell and makes you proud to sell it!

(Full Source Files Included So You Can Change EVERYTHING You Desire!)

You Will NEVER Get This Much Value For $47 Measly Bucks Each Month No Matter How Hard You Search...

The NitroBlogger.com Double Guarantee!

Guarantee #1

In an effort to "comfort" your heart and put your mind at ease, we're going to do something that is completely unheard of...

After you purchase your NitroBlogger.com membership, login and start downloading the current month's products. Download bonus products, download all our propriety training materials!

Also make sure to download your NitroBlogger.com coaching manuals and don't forget to throw in a suggestion (or three) for the content next month.

Get all the value and benefit that you can out of the membership, use all the facilities and enjoy them.

If you feel that you honestly haven't received your $47 worth, we will be personally waiting in the "west wing" to hand process your refund with a cheerful attitude for giving us a try.

In fact, we're SO confident in our products that we're willing to make you an even greater guarantee!

Guarantee #2

If after downloading ANY product from any month of your NitroBlogger.com membership, you don't honestly feel that each of the products is worth 10 times what you pay for your membership, we will happily refund every cent of your membership.

We absolutely know that these products are hands down the best in the industry and we stand behind them with not only our reputation but our own wallet.

Each product is guaranteed to be written by a top professional in the field and to be of top notch quality with no exceptions.

We demand the same high quality that you demand and if

Final Notice: ONLY 200 MembershipS To Be Sold!

Once the 200 membership cap is reached, the order button will go inactive and cease to function.  There will be no exceptions to this limit.  Even if you are out of the country, your Internet is down or your son destroyed your computer, we will not be able to give you a membership once the 200 slots are full. 

This is to protect the value of the products for the NitroBlogger.com members.  Don't forget the fast action bonus rights package only available to the first people who become members!

Order Your NitroBlogger.com Charter Membership
Today Via Our Secure Order Form Below...
Only 200 31 More Slots Will Be Made Available!

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this offer or you have any problems placing your order click here for priority support.

To Your Success,
The Nitro Blogger Team

P.S. Let Us Buy Your Package For You...

Once you become a member you will have exclusive access to our NitroBlogger.com partner program which will allow you to refer your friends, subscribers, and associates.

Refer just 2 people and you've paid for your NitroBlogger.com membership as long as they stay members! That means that you could enjoy the benefits of a complete membership site run for you every month including all of the awesome bonuses free, for life!

You can also refer more people to create a nice stream of recurring income that you can count on forever! This is the closest thing to an actual paycheck on the Internet!

Join Now And Refer A Couple Friends And Make Your
NitroBlogger.com Membership FREE For Life!