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Osteoporosis Is Plaguing the World with Millions of Victims Suffering

Here’s How to Strengthen Your Health and Bones So You Don’t Become Part of the Statistics

Drinking milk was non-negotiable in my childhood household.

Growing up, adults would always tell me not to skimp on milk as it keeps my bones and teeth strong and healthy.

Some would even go as far as scaring the wits out of my young self by telling me that I will get crippled if I don’t drink my milk.

This fear grew even stronger when my grandmother developed osteoporosis…

Over the years, I saw how the disease caused her to shrink and shackled her to a sitting position.

She was basically immobile, my grandmother...

Small movements such as reaching down or up inflict pain on her…

Horrible back pain stole her ability to sleep well at night…

Terror of falling and fracturing a bone that could cause life-threatening consequences kept her and her loved ones distraught.

Knowing that my grandmother suffered from the notorious “brittle bone” disease brought a gloomy cloud of fear and anxiety over my life…

A family history of osteoporosis puts a person at a more dangerous risk of acquiring it.

Naturally, I was worried that I was going to go through the same agony later in life…

So in the name of protecting myself from it, I did what I was been taught by my family and health commercials throughout the years. I drank two to three cups of milk every single day.

The star of the show here is the mineral calcium.

It is a popular piece of information that calcium saves our bones and teeth from deteriorating and protects us against the merciless bone disease, osteoporosis—but does it really?

Well, as I am immensely interested in the subject of bone health and osteoporosis among the many bone diseases there are, I have researched on it and what I found will shock you…

What if I tell you that the media has been feeding you with half-truths about your bone health and that the adage that milk builds strong bones is a myth?

For years, I believed that calcium was the armor that shielded my bones from various diseases, including osteoporosis…

For years, I thought I was safe as long as I packed my diet with foods rich in this mineral…

I even went as far as taking pure calcium supplements as I wanted to harness all the protection it has to offer…

But after one meeting with my doctor, all these beliefs and ideas had been broken.


You could only imagine my shock when I learned this.

I felt cheated…

All those years that I obeyed the “no skimping milk” belief to keep my bones strong was a complete myth!

That’s the bad news…

But today, I’m going to share with you THE TRUTH. By that, I mean scientifically proven and evidence-based ways to maintain healthy bones and protect yourself against osteoporosis.

So if you’re like me and you’ve been a victim of half-truths about your bone health all your life, stick around…

In this article, you’re going to learn only facts about your health, particularly bone health, and what science says are the effective ways to keep it in tip-top shape.

Unfortunately, many people who are below the age of 40 and 50 tend to disregard their health, especially bone health, thinking that diseases like osteoporosis only affect older people.

This is simply not the case, but they can’t really be blamed.

Media, in general, have been proliferating this misleading depiction for so long.

The image that has been burned on the back of the minds of many of us is that the elderly are weak and fragile while younger people like ourselves are active and outgoing.

This may have even had you believing that brittle bones and even poor health are simply inevitable as you grow older so there’s no point trying to “protect” yourself.

If this sounds like you, then let me reveal the truth to you right now…

While it’s true that our health gradually deteriorates as we grow older, excessive bone loss and poor health are generally the results of how you treated your body in the long term while you were young.

The lifestyle choices you make in your younger years will drastically affect your health for the rest of your life as an older adult.

Think of health as a storm that is calm and manageable in the beginning but slowly starts to lash out uncontrollably as time passes.

If you’re well-prepared to handle the storm, the lesser the damage will be in your life.

The same goes for your health…

The more proactive you are in keeping yourself healthy while you are still young, the greater the possibility that you will remain fit and strong in your golden years.

So make the best choices for your body and don’t wait until your health becomes broken beyond repair before you take care of it.  

Remember, just because your body is young and you don’t feel any worrying symptoms of a serious disease, does not mean you should take your health—including bone health—for granted.

Poor health causes your immune system to become weak and puts you in a dangerous place of acquiring various diseases—both mild and severe—including osteoporosis.

Other than that, a weak immune system makes you more susceptible to catching viruses.

According to global statistics, currently, we have

  Over 65 million Coronavirus cases, and

  Over 200 million cases of osteoporosis

Now more than ever, you need to start thinking about how to best take care of your immune system and how to stave off osteoporosis.

To do that, let’s start with busting some myths about them.

5 Myths about Osteoporosis

Myth 1—Osteoporosis is a natural part of aging

Fact:  While it’s normal to lose some bone mass due to aging, developing osteoporosis is not normal. It is also not normal to experience painful broken bones or to lose more than an inch of your height. In effect, osteoporosis is not inevitable.

Myth 2—Osteoporosis only targets older women

Fact:  It’s true that women are more at risk of developing osteoporosis than men (about four times more likely) due to lighter bones and sudden decreases in estrogen levels after menopause. Still, men are not entirely safe from it. In fact, nobody is. Osteoporosis can affect people of all ages, ethnicities, and sexes.

Myth 3—You should not have to worry about osteoporosis until you’re over your 50s

Fact:  You gain ninety percent of your bone mass at age 18 (in girls) and 20 (in boys), according to the NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center. At this age, most people are less likely to think about their bone health. However, according to the same source, “it’s never too early to build bone density and develop the best possible bones for the rest of your life.”

Myth 4—If you drink milk every day, you will not develop osteoporosis

Fact:  A large-scale Harvard study studied 72,000 women for two decades and found no evidence that drinking milk can prevent bone fractures or osteoporosis. Also, another study conducted on more than 96,000 people discovered that the more milk men consumed as teenagers, the more at risk they became of developing bone fractures as adults.

Furthermore, new research suggests that milk may not be as beneficial for your bone health and your health in general. According to the research, women who drank three glasses of milk or more daily were almost two times more at risk of death and cardiovascular disease and a 44 percent increased risk of cancer in comparison to women who drank less than one glass of milk per day.

Myth 5—You only break your bones if you fall

Fact:  While most people fracture bones during a fall, sometimes, weak bones lead to fractures too. Some people experience spontaneous fractures. One individual simply leaned over the bed of a flat-bed truck, and that action was enough to cause a fracture.

5 Myths about Boosting Your Immune System

Myth 1—Abruptly losing weight will boost the immune system

Fact:  In order to lose weight safely, you need to consider how strict the dietary measures and exercises you adopt are. If you overdo this, instead of boosting your immune system, it can result in the other way around—your immunity can get weakened. A lack of proper nutrition plus the stress you are putting on your body can put a number on your immune system.

Myth 2—Sleeping will immediately boost the immune system

Fact:  Your body does need sleep, but it needs a specific type of sleep: restorative sleep. This is where you get enough sleep to get your body back into its best shape. Every person needs sleep, but the number of hours a person needs for sleep can vary. Most adults need 7 to 8 hours a night. Teens need 9-10 hours, school-aged kids need at least 10 hours, preschoolers need 11 to 12 hours, and newborns need 16 to 18 hours.

Myth 3—Stress doesn’t affect the immune system

Fact:  Cortisol, the stress hormone, can wreak havoc with the strength of your immune system by altering the way your white blood cells (these are your defense cells) react to infections and other threats. Furthermore, stress can also cause you to use unhealthy coping strategies to reduce it, such as overeating or not eating, drinking, and smoking. All these habits harm your immunity.

Myth 4—The more vitamin C you take, the stronger your immune system will be

While it’s true that eating vitamin C-rich foods helps boost your immune system, remember that there is a risk of overdose. If you’re taking or you plan to take vitamin C supplements, the daily recommended for people ages 19 and above is 2,000 mg. In a nutshell, do not overdo your intake of vitamin C as it can be potentially harmful.

Myth 5—Exercise has no effect on the immune system

While there is no direct link between moderate exercise and maintaining a healthy immune system, there are many benefits to it. For example, regular exercise lowers blood pressure, controls body weight, and can protect you from diseases.

Now that we have those myths and misconceptions out of the way, let’s explore some factors that can affect the health of your bones...

·         Diet – A diet low in calcium and vitamin D contributes to reduced bone density, early bone loss, and an increased risk of fractures...

·         Physical activity – People who live a sedentary lifestyle are more at risk of developing osteoporosis than those who are more active.

·         Tobacco and alcohol use – According to research, tobacco use contributes to weak bones. Also, one alcoholic drink a day for women and two alcoholic drinks a day for men heightens their chances of getting osteoporosis.

·         Gender – Women are four times more at risk of developing osteoporosis than men because women tend to have lesser bone tissue.

·         Size – If you are extremely thin (with a body mass index of 19 or less) or have a small body frame, you become more at risk of osteoporosis. This is because you might have less bone mass to draw from as you grow older.

·         Race and family history – If you are white or of Asian descent, you are at the greatest risk of osteoporosis. Furthermore, if you have a parent or sibling who has the disease, you’re also at greater risk, especially if you have a family history of bone fractures.

·         Hormone levels – Excessive levels of thyroid hormone can lead to bone loss. Women who are at their menopause stage tend to experience a significant increase in bone loss. Men, on the other hand, experience low testosterone levels as they grow older, which also causes loss of bone mass.

With over 200 million victims, osteoporosis is a worldwide plague. For this reason, you should become extra vigilant in keeping your bones in check, especially if some of those factors are true for you.

On that matter, here are some of the effective and scientifically proven steps you can take to ensure the wellness of your bone health…

5 Ways to Improve or Maintain Your Bone Health

1. Eat plenty of vegetables daily

You probably already know that vegetables are extremely beneficial to your overall health due to the fact that they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. However, if you want to have healthy bones, you should focus on eating more vegetables that contain nutrients beneficial to bone health—the most important ones being calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2. More on this later.

2. Engage in regular physical activity

Also, pay more attention to strength training and weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, and climbing stairs. These can help with the formation of new bone. Studies conducted on children, including those with type 1 diabetes, have discovered that weight-bearing exercises increase the amount of bone formed during peak years of bone growth. Also, in adults, such activities can be extremely beneficial for preventing bone loss. Studies conducted on older men and women who engaged in weight-bearing exercises showed an increase in bone mineral density, bone strength and bone size, and reduced inflammation.

3. Avoid substance abuse and don’t smoke

Almost all studies about alcohol use and human bone health show that chronic heavy alcohol consumption can significantly affect bone health and raise the risk of osteoporosis later in life. If you’re a woman, avoid drinking more than one alcohol drink a day. If you are a man, avoid taking more than two alcoholic drinks a day. In addition, don’t smoke or stop smoking as this restricts the flow of oxygen-rich blood that nourishes bones and negatively affects the body’s calcium absorption, leading to lower bone density and weaker bones. Nicotine in cigarettes also slows the creation of bone-forming cells that are extremely crucial to healing.

4. Consume enough protein

Yes, you also need protein to maintain the health of your bones. Did you know that about half or 50 percent of your bone consists of protein? Studies have shown that low protein intake results in decreased calcium absorption and may also influence rates of bone formation and breakdown. Furthermore, in a six-year observational study conducted on over 144,000 post-menopausal women, it was found that higher protein intake had been linked to a decreased risk of forearm fractures and drastically higher bone density in the hip, spine, and total body.

5. Maintain a healthy weight

Aside from eating a nutritious diet, you also need to maintain a healthy weight to help your bones stay healthy. Being underweight, for instance, increases your risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis, especially if you are a post-menopausal woman who has experienced a sudden significant drop of estrogen, a hormone that has bone-protecting effects.

Along with ensuring your bones stay healthy in the long run, you also need to pay close attention to your immune system.

Having a weak immune system makes you more susceptible to experiencing frequent infections and severe symptoms.

In addition, if you are an immunocompromised individual, you are more susceptible to acquiring bacteria and viruses, which leads to various illnesses.

So now more than ever, it is beneficial to read some helpful tips to help you decide better on habits you need to adopt in order to keep your immune system strong…

5 Helpful Tips to Strengthen Your Immune System

1. Maintain a healthy diet

A healthy diet is imperative to a strong immune system. So, fill your diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, such as avocados, fatty fish, nuts, and chia seeds. Whole plant foods are also rich in nutrients and antioxidants that may help protect you against harmful pathogens. Furthermore, antioxidants found in these foods help decrease inflammation by fighting free radicals. Chronic inflammation is linked to many severe health conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and even some cancers.

2. Exercise regularly

A healthy diet without regular exercise will not bear the same positive effects on your immune system as it would if you combine the two. Regular exercise may improve your immunity by boosting your overall circulation, which makes it easier for your immune cells and other infection-fighting molecules to travel throughout your body. According to studies, just 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity each day improves the immune system.

3. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is vital to keeping a healthy immune system. Insufficient or poor-quality sleep is associated with a higher risk of sickness. According to a study conducted on 164 healthy adults, those who slept fewer than six hours a night were more at risk of catching a cold than those who slept at least six hours each night. Furthermore, lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover from sickness. So make sure you don’t skimp on sleep again.

4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day

While staying hydrated does not particularly protect you from germs and viruses, it is important to your overall health. Dehydration is one big factor that causes hindrance to your physical performance, ability to focus, mood regulation, digestion, and even heart and kidney function. All these are linked to a higher risk of illness. Prevent dehydration by drinking enough water so that the color of your urine is pale yellow. You might be thinking about why it should be water that you drink to stay hydrated. Water is recommended as it is free of calories, additives, and sugar.

5. Learn to manage stress

During periods of stress, the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is lessened, which makes you more at risk of acquiring infections. Also, cortisol, the stress hormone, can reduce the effectiveness of the immune system. Long-term stress triggers inflammation and imbalances in cell function. You can engage in stress-relieving activities, such as meditation, yoga, and exercise, to manage your stress levels.

Out of all the vitamins and minerals you need to take to keep yourself healthy holistically, there are some that are particularly vital in keeping your bones and immune system healthy and strong.

On that note, here are…

3 Essential Nutrients for Healthy Bones and Strong Immune System

1. Vitamin D

Also referred to as “calciferol,” vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin naturally available in some foods and sometimes added to others.

It is also known by many as the “sunshine vitamin” as it is produced endogenously when ultraviolet (U.V.) rays from sunlight hit the skin and trigger vitamin D synthesis.

Primarily, the role of vitamin D is to promote good health and strong bones.

It also plays a major role in maintaining normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus and aids in calcium absorption to help form and maintain strong bones.

So the key takeaway here is that while you do need calcium for your bones, it is relatively wasted without the aid of vitamin D.

Without vitamin D, no matter how much milk you drink or calcium-rich foods you eat, your body will have trouble absorbing calcium and will soon start stealing calcium from your bones and cause them to grow weak and fragile over time.

In addition to its major benefits, research shows that vitamin D may also help in…

✔️ Fighting off disease

A 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that vitamin D reduces the risk of multiple sclerosis (M.S.), a potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Other studies suggest vitamin D can also decrease your risk of developing heart disease and protects you against the flu. In fact, Barry Boyd, MD, RDN, a Yale Medicine hematologist, oncologist, and nutritionist, told Health that “there is a particular interest in its role in viral infections such as influenza and coronavirus.”

✔️ Reducing depression

Studies have shown that vitamin D plays a crucial role in regulating mood and keeping depression at bay. One study conducted on people with depression who received vitamin D supplements noticed an improvement in their symptoms. Another study found that vitamin D deficiency was more common in people who were experiencing anxiety and depression.

✔️ Strengthening oral health

Due to its role in helping absorb calcium, vitamin D also plays an important role in supporting oral health by lowering the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

✔️ Preventing type 2 diabetes

A 2006 study published in the journal Diabetes Care suggests that while vitamin D on its own did not effectively reduce the risk of high blood sugar, when combined with calcium, it could effectively lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

✔️  Reducing the risk of some cancers

Dr. Boyd also reports that “Evidence is increasing that vitamin D supplementation may improve cancer outcomes.” The cancers that may benefit from vitamin D are colorectal, breast, prostate, and pancreatic cancer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) points out that some research suggests that death rates for certain cancers were lower among individuals living in southern latitudes, where sunlight exposure is relatively high as compared to those living at northern latitudes.

✔️ Combatting hypertension

A 2019 review published in the journal Current Protein & Peptide Science reports that vitamin D may positively impact high blood pressure. According to the authors, being vitamin D deficient even for a short period of time may directly raise your blood pressure and develop target organ damage. They also suggest that vitamin D supplementation therapy may be a new discovery in treating hypertension.

✔️ Reducing weight – Obesity is a risk factor for low vitamin D levels. Hence, consuming more vitamin D may encourage weight loss. A 2009 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition discovered that women who were overweight or obese had low calcium levels but took a daily dose of calcium and vitamin D more effectively lost pounds than those who took a placebo supplement.

It is important to ensure you are getting enough vitamin D each day as vitamin D deficiency can lead to severe diseases and conditions, including DEATH…

The Vitamin D Council, a scientist-led group that promotes vitamin D awareness, suggests that vitamin D treatment might be helpful in treating or preventing conditions such as…

✔️ Autism

✔️ Autoimmune disease

✔️ Cancer

✔️ Chronic pain

✔️ Depression

✔️ Diabetes

✔️ Heart disease

✔️ High blood pressure

✔️ Flu

✔️ Neuromuscular diseases

✔️ Osteoporosis

While more research has to be conducted in order to fully understand the potential of vitamin D, it’s important to keep in mind that it is an essential vitamin, and our bodies need it to survive.

Before we tackle the sources of vitamin D, let’s first talk about the two most common members of its family found in our diet…

✔️ Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)

✔️ Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)

You might be wondering why you should even know this.

Well, while they both help you obtain your vitamin D needs, one of the two can be relatively more potent and therefore more beneficial to your body than the other…


When you bask under the sun, and you say that you’re getting “the sunshine vitamin,” what you actually mean is you’re getting vitamin D3.

When the UVB in sunlight strikes your skin and hits cholesterol in your cells, these cells are energized and triggers vitamin D synthesis.

However, vitamin D2 is basically human-made for the purpose of fortifying foods.

You don’t have to worry about overdosing yourself on vitamin D3 as when your skin has produced enough of it from the vitamin D synthesis, and it simply makes less of it.

What Research Says

In a nutshell, research suggests that vitamin D3 is more effective than vitamin D2 at developing your vitamin D status.

Yes, they are both absorbed into the bloodstream, but your liver metabolizes them in dissimilar ways…

Vitamin D2 is metabolized into 25-hydroxyvitamin D2.

Vitamin D3 is metabolized into 25-hydroxyvitamin D3.

These are known as CALCIFEDIOL, the main circulating form of vitamin D.

When you go to your doctor and ask to have your vitamin D levels estimated, your doctor will do this by measuring your calcifediol levels.

Now, the problem with vitamin D2 is that it does not seem to create as much calcifediol as compared with vitamin D3.

This is the reason why scientists think vitamin D3 is better at improving your vitamin D levels than vitamin D2 does.


The quality of supplements that use vitamin D2 may be lower than those that use vitamin D3.

Studies suggest that vitamin D2 is more sensitive to humidity and varying temperatures, which makes vitamin D2 supplements more likely to deteriorate quickly over time.

In effect, vitamin D3 seems to be winning in all these aspects.

However, experts recommend that in choosing a vitamin D supplement, choose one that contains vitamin D3 supplement or one that contains adequate levels of both vitamin D3 and vitamin D2.

Now, let’s talk about the sources of vitamin D.

This is another area where vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 differ.

Vitamin D2 is found in plant-based foods, such as

✔️   Mushroom (grown in U.V. light)

✔️   Fortified foods

✔️   Dietary supplements

Vitamin D3 is found in animal-based foods, such as

✔️ Oily fish and fish oil

✔️ Liver

✔️ Egg yolk

✔️ Butter

✔️  Dietary supplements

Vitamin D2 is more commonly used to fortify foods as it is cheaper than vitamin D3.

If you get enough sun exposure throughout the day, then you must be lucky because you are more likely to be getting enough vitamin D each day.

Unfortunately, for many of us, especially in current times, sun exposure is an opportunity that seldom occurs.

The daily recommended allowance of vitamin D for people ages 1 to 70 years is 600 international units (I.U.).

Unless you have oily fish or tons of eggs every day, it can be challenging to gain that much vitamin D, especially if you are someone who is too busy to prepare meals for yourself.

2. Calcium

Now let’s talk about the “star” of keeping your bones healthy.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is found in some foods and sometimes added to others.

Because almost all calcium you consume is stored in your bones and teeth, it is imperative to maintain their structure and strength. 

However, calcium also plays an important role in allowing your muscles to move and for your nerves to successfully send messages from your brain to other parts of your body.

Furthermore, calcium plays a key role in blood clotting and maintaining the action of the heart muscle by helping with muscle function.

In fact, some studies suggest that there is a link between high consumption of calcium and lower blood pressure.

In addition, calcium is a cofactor for many enzymes, which means some important enzymes cannot function efficiently without it.

Aside from these vital functions, studies suggest that consuming enough calcium may help with…

✔️  Lowering the risk of developing health issues related to high blood pressure during pregnancy

✔️ Reducing blood pressure in young people

✔️  Lowering blood pressure in mothers who consumed enough calcium during pregnancy

✔️  Improving cholesterol value

✔️ Reducing the risk of cholesterol

So, calcium is required for you to survive—for all living things to survive, for that matter.

Unfortunately, the human body cannot naturally produce calcium, so we rely on external sources to get the calcium that we need each day.

Here are the best food sources for calcium:

✔️  Collard greens

✔️  Kale

✔️  Kale

✔️ Soybeans

✔️ Sardines

✔️ Salmon

✔️ Ricotta

✔️ Yogurt

✔️ Milk

✔️  Fortified foods

You might think that you’re getting enough calcium every day from the foods you eat, especially if you’re a fan of drinking milk first thing in the morning and before bedtime.

But studies show that more than a third of the population is not getting enough calcium every day.

For this reason, you might want to consider taking calcium supplements.

Adults need 1,000 mg of calcium every day.

This amount increases as you grow older.

Women over 50 and men over 70 need 1,200 mg of calcium per day.

If you’re taking a calcium supplement, remember that going over the RDA is not advisable as your body needs to get rid of excess calcium through your kidneys, which then travels to your urine and increases your risk of kidney stones.

3. Vitamin K

Vitamin K actually refers to a group of fat-soluble vitamins that are important in the processes of blood clotting, bone metabolism, and blood regulation of calcium levels.

Without it, your body cannot produce prothrombin, which is important for blood clotting and bone metabolism.

Role in Blood Clotting

A number of proteins necessary in blood clotting rely on vitamin K to perform their functions.

Without blood clotting, excessive bleeding can occur and lead to death, even for just a minor injury.

One study showed that a single serving of natto (a popular Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans) rich in vitamin K2 changed measures of blood clotting for up to four days.

Role in Bone Health

Medical experts believe that vitamin K activates proteins necessary for bone growth and development.

Some observational research found a link between low levels of vitamin K1 and K2 and a higher risk of bone fractures.

Furthermore, one review of controlled studies found that vitamin K2 supplementation largely reduced the risk of bone fractures.

While studies are still quite inconsistent, the European Food Safety Authority concludes that vitamin K is directly involved in maintaining normal bone health.

Role in Heart Health

Vitamin K may also play a vital role in preventing heart disease.

It activates a particular protein that helps prevent calcium from entering your arteries.

Such events that calcium enters your arteries contribute to the development of plaque. For this reason, they are a strong indicator of heart disease.

A number of observational studies reported that vitamin K2 is more efficient at lowering these calcium deposits and lowers your risk of heart disease.

Another study has found that both vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 supplements improve various measures of heart health.

This vitamin is found throughout your body, including your liver, brain, heart, pancreas, and bone.

So, your body needs vitamin K for it to stay healthy.

While vitamin K has several different types, the two most common ones found in the human diet are

✔️  Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone)

✔️ Vitamin K2 (menaquinone)

Vitamin K1 is found mostly in plant foods, while vitamin K2 is found in fermented foods and animal products. Vitamin K2 is also produced by your gut bacteria.

Vitamin K1 is more commonly found in the human diet, particularly in leafy green vegetables.

Sources of vitamin K1 are as follows:

✔️ Kale

✔️ Collard greens

✔️ Spinach

✔️ Turnip greens

✔️ Broccoli

✔️ Brussel sprouts

Sources of vitamin K2 are as follows:

✔️ Natto Pork sausage

✔️ Hard cheeses

✔️ Porkchop (with bone)

✔️ Chicken (leg/thigh)

✔️ Soft cheeses

✔️ Egg yolk

The necessary amount of vitamin K you need every day depends on your age and gender.

Women aged 19 years and above need 90 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K a day, while men need 120 mcg.

Because it is rapidly broken down and excreted in urine or stool, it rarely reaches toxic levels in the body even with high consumptions.

Vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin K are all essential in keeping your bones and your overall health and immune system in a tip-top state.

Experts say that if you consume a healthy, well-balanced diet, you need not worry about whether you’re getting enough of all the nutrients you need each day.

However, the reality is that many of us are lacking in some essential nutrients, especially because of the modern-day diet that we adopt.

Plus, in these uncertain times, you need to ensure that you are getting the daily recommended allowance of the three essential nutrients to protect your immune system, your vital systems, and your bone health.

For these reasons, you might want to consider taking supplements.

Supplements can bridge the gap between the nutrients you need and the food that is lacking them.

If you’re someone who is active and always-on-the-go, then more your body needs to maintain maximum wellness.

So if you’re not getting your much-needed nutrients, then you will be doing your health a disservice.

And instead of improving it through staying physically active, you will be harming it.

Thinking that you have to take three different supplements to get your daily allowance of vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin K can prompt you to worry.

“I’m not comfortable taking that many supplements every day…”

“I don’t like the hassle of having three supplement bottles wherever I go…”

“Taking that many supplements can be pricey…”

Well, before you fall into the never-ending loop of worry, here’s some good news for you today.

You can obtain vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin K in just ONE supplement…

You read that right.

Introducing BioVit-D + Calcium with Vitamin K2!

✔️ It is an essential supplement that supports a healthy immune system.

✔️ It helps regulate normal blood clotting.

✔️ It promotes healthy bones for better calcium intake.

✔️ It promotes heart health.

✔️ It supports blood circulation.

In a nutshell, it helps keep your heart and bones healthy while supporting daily muscle function with Vitamin K2 that initiates matrix GLA protein (MGP) to bind excess calcium, helping to promote arterial flow and flexibility.

It contains

✔️ Vitamin D3

✔️ Calcium

✔️ Vitamin K2

Plus… a bonus ingredient that separates this supplement from any other in the market…

✔️ BioPerine®:

BioPerine®: is an extract from the fruit of Piper nigrum L (black pepper) or Piper longum (long pepper). BioVit uses black pepper.

The major function of BioPerine® is it enhances the bioavailability of nutrients, which means when you consume nutrients, BioPerine® helps them be absorbed easily by the body.

You probably didn’t think that a spicy condiment that you sprinkle on your food has significant benefits to your health.

Well, the heat that you feel when you taste pepper is actually the signal of the biological activity of some of the active compounds found in pepper.

In fact, even during ancient times, black pepper has been used in different traditional medicines, preservatives, and health supplements.

You might be curious to know if simply adding more pepper to your meals will be able to give you the health benefits of pepper…

Well, unfortunately, the direct intake of black pepper will NOT help achieve enhanced nutrient absorption.

And besides, you may not be a fan of putting tons of pepper over your food anyway.

Fortunately, BioVit-D is scientifically formulated with BioPerine®


✔️ contains 95 percent of piperine

✔️ may be co-administered with various nutrients for both human and animal health

✔️ is Nature’s Bioavailability Enhancer

✔️ is the only product sourced out of piperine to obtain a patented status for its ability to increase the bioavailability of nutritional compounds

✔️ is the only source from piperine to have undergone clinical studies in the U.S. and in other countries to substantiate its safety and efficacy for nutritional use

✔️ an objectivated product, with a lot of sciences behind, for your kind support

Now, you can also harness the benefits of BioPerine®, such as…

✔️ Nutrient absorption – With many nutrients, you only absorb some of their benefits, but when you combine them with piperine, you may get more of these nutrients.

✔️ Improved metabolism – BioPerine® increases nutrient absorption also by increasing your metabolism by improving thermogenesis. This is the process of breaking down fat cells and increasing your internal temperature.

✔️ Raised dopamine and serotonin – Piperine works closely with dopamine and serotonin, increasing their levels. For this reason, piperine may have the ability to boost your positive emotions.

✔️ Improved memory – Piperine may also help improve the neurotransmission of certain chemicals, such as serotonin and beta-endorphin, which play an important role in memory. The more of these chemicals you have, the higher the possibility that you have a sharper memory.

✔️ Improved immune system – When your body is attacked, your immune system may get damaged. For this reason, it’s important to regulate the reactivity of your immune system towards attacks. A study conducted in 2010 showed that BioPerine might reduce inflammation and weaken certain negative immune system responses.

Now you can obtain these benefits of BioPerine® in BioVit-D!

What’s more is that, compared to other brands, BioVit-D not only contains 1000 IU of vitamin D3…

Not 2000 I.U. or even 3000 IU…

One capsule of BioVit-D contains

✔️  5000 IU of vitamin D3…

✔️ 100 mcg of vitamin K2…

✔️ 210 mg of calcium…

✔️ 5mg of BioPerine…

When you take BioVit-D, you’re essentially getting five capsules of vitamin D from other brands.

Plus, you don’t have to pay for other supplements for your calcium needs.

As if that’s not enough, BioVit-D also contains vitamin K2!

The Interplay of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2

When partnered together, these two vitamins work to ensure that calcium is absorbed easily and reaches the bone mass while also preventing artery calcification (calcium buildup within the walls of the arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart).


Vitamin D3 ensures that calcium is easily absorbed by the body and that vitamin K2 stimulates osteocalcin, the protein which integrates calcium into bones.

Hence, without these two vitamins, calcium CANNOT perform its function properly.

Combined with the bioavailability enhancing properties of BioPerine®, BioVit-D becomes your BEST CHOICE for keeping your body—especially your bones and immune system—as healthy as they can be.

What’s more…

✔️  BioVit-D is proudly made in the USA

✔️  From an FDA-registered manufacturing facility under strict guidance by GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)

✔️ And 3rd-party tested for quality & potency

Never worry about skimping on a diet rich in anti-osteoporosis foods…

Enhance your immunity and never let it go weak again…

Eat healthily, exercise regularly, take BioVit-D!Order BioVit-D – Vitamin D3 + Calcium with Vitamin K2 from Doctor Medici today!

Here's why our customers love BioVit-D...

Join more than 10,000 very happy customers!

“BioVit-D helps keep my parents’ and my bones strong through the years. Since I’m lactose intolerant, this is really important to me. Thanks for this!”

Mary R.

“Since the pandemic hit, I wasn’t able to get enough natural vitamin D. As a health-conscious individual I was worried. But thanks to this product, I get vitamin D3 like I used to, only indoors!”

Priscilla A.

“This is the best product for strong bones because it not only gives you calcium, it also gives you vitamin D3 and vitamin K! What else can you ask for?”

Roan J.

“Kudos to this product! I’ve never been stronger in my bones since I started taking this product. Will definitely order again!”

Jennifer T.

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